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About our commitment

The charitable donation movement 'Germany rounds up' aims to improve equal opportunity for children in Germany whose families are affected by poverty. The independent foundation enables everyone to donate micro-donations to these children. All donations are channeled 100% to audited charitable projects in Germany that support children and their parents through programs such as early childhood education, violence prevention or parenting. Since its launch in March 2012, over 130 million times have been rounded up and a total of more than 6.2 million euros has been donated. More than 57,000 children will get the chance for a better future.

The following possibilities for micro-donations are offered:

  • Customers donate in the stationary trade by the two words „Aufrunden bitte!“ at the cash register and online via the portal Bonusspende.de
  • Employees and companies contribute with "Gehaltsspende" (die-gehaltsspende.de) a common part of their salary.
  • Companies round up for products or services.
  • Dentists round up off their billing through the billing service provider BFS health finance (BFS).

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